Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I get to rebuild the city! I can't wait to make more animations, and finally finish Battle for Blockburg for Burrowdizzy!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Well, Christmas Day is finally here! What did you guys get? For filming stuff, I got a Flip Ultra HD, $65 in LEGO Gift Cards (which I will spend on sets 3661 Bank & Money Transfer, and the Dump Truck), and perhaps the best thing I have EVER received, Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium!! This is professional-quality software for editing and animating my movies. I can't wait to try it all out!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bank & Money Transfer, LEGO Set 3661
Has anybody seen the new Bank and Money Transfer? It's sick, and I am 100% definitely going to get it as soon as I can!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Well, this will proably be my last post before leaving for a trip to my grandparents' house in Texas, so, yeah... that's cool. I am going for Christmas, and I have no idea what I'll get! Talk to you guys soon!
PS: I'll be updating my blog from Texas too, especially around Christmastime!
PS: I'll be updating my blog from Texas too, especially around Christmastime!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Animating! For school!
Hey! Would you look at that! An animation! Relax. It's for school. I made it using tiny sets (and the police station), and it's based off a book. A good book. A very good book. And that book is 1984 by George Orwell. I hope you like my animation, when it comes out today or tomorrow!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Just wanted to post something today.
See title. Also, should I make a short HO scale model train movie while I wait for my LEGOs to be rebuilt? It would probably be a car chase of some sort, but I'm not sure.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bad news.
The doors are still not done, and I might not be able to animate until practically NEXT YEAR! It's really bad, I know. I don't know what I'll do, but I will try and reamin optomistic.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
LEGO City Sets I Have... Now!
That's right; I've gotten more sets! Here's a new list!
7898 (Freight Train)
7897 (Passenger Train)
7997 (Train Station)
7890 (Ambulance)
7236 (Police Car)
7638 (Tow Truck)
10159(City Airport) (Old version from like 2003)
7639 (Camper)
7731 (Mail Van)
7732 (Air Mail)
8398 (BBQ Stand)
5612 (Police Man)
5613 (FireFighter)
7737 (Coast Guard 4x4 and Jet Ski)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
3177 (Small Car)
3179 (Utility Truck)
7744 (Police HQ)
7630 (Front End Loader)
8401 (Minifigure Collection)
8403 (City House)
8404 (Public Transportation Station)
7633 (Construction Site)
7942 (Fire 4x4 and Trailer)
3180 (Tank Truck)
7567 (Traveller)
7641 (City Corner)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
7286 (Prisoner Transport)
7741 (Police Helicopter)
3221 (LEGO Truck)
There we go. That should be it until Christmas.
7898 (Freight Train)
7897 (Passenger Train)
7997 (Train Station)
7890 (Ambulance)
7236 (Police Car)
7638 (Tow Truck)
10159(City Airport) (Old version from like 2003)
7639 (Camper)
7731 (Mail Van)
7732 (Air Mail)
8398 (BBQ Stand)
5612 (Police Man)
5613 (FireFighter)
7737 (Coast Guard 4x4 and Jet Ski)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
3177 (Small Car)
3179 (Utility Truck)
7744 (Police HQ)
7630 (Front End Loader)
8401 (Minifigure Collection)
8403 (City House)
8404 (Public Transportation Station)
7633 (Construction Site)
7942 (Fire 4x4 and Trailer)
3180 (Tank Truck)
7567 (Traveller)
7641 (City Corner)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
7286 (Prisoner Transport)
7741 (Police Helicopter)
3221 (LEGO Truck)
There we go. That should be it until Christmas.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Doors Update!
The doors are installed and being painted! New movies, including the Runaway train movie are coming soon!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New Movies in Planning Stage!
Good news everybody! I have 2 new movies being planned out and scripted right now! One super-huge Cops-and-Robbers type of thing is being planned out, and a really awesome RUNAWAY TRAIN MOVIE is nearly done being scripted! I am going to start filming as soon as I finish the script and North Blockburg is rebuilt!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I Got a 2011 Set!
I just got the NEW 2011 Prisoner Transport Van! It's really cool, and a review will be up soon!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm in Los Angeles!
Yeah, you can read the title! I'm LA visiting some family, and, who knows, maybe I'll meet someone famous!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
LEGO City Sets I Have
There are a lot of them!
7898 (Freight Train)
7897 (Passenger Train)
7997 (Train Station)
7890 (Ambulance)
7236 (Police Car)
7638 (Tow Truck)
10159(City Airport) (Old version from like 2003)
7639 (Camper)
7731 (Mail Van)
7732 (Air Mail)
8398 (BBQ Stand)
5612 (Police Man)
5613 (FireFighter)
7737 (Coast Guard 4x4 and Jet Ski)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
3177 (Small Car)
3179 (Utility Truck)
7744 (Police HQ)
7630 (Front End Loader)
8401 (Minifigure Collection)
8403 (City House)
8404 (Public Transportation Station)
7633 (Construction Site)
7942 (Fire 4x4 and Trailer)
3180 (Tank Truck)
7567 (Traveller)
7641 (City Corner)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
I think that's it! I have a lot of custom stuff too, and that's what really fills up the city.
7898 (Freight Train)
7897 (Passenger Train)
7997 (Train Station)
7890 (Ambulance)
7236 (Police Car)
7638 (Tow Truck)
10159(City Airport) (Old version from like 2003)
7639 (Camper)
7731 (Mail Van)
7732 (Air Mail)
8398 (BBQ Stand)
5612 (Police Man)
5613 (FireFighter)
7737 (Coast Guard 4x4 and Jet Ski)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
3177 (Small Car)
3179 (Utility Truck)
7744 (Police HQ)
7630 (Front End Loader)
8401 (Minifigure Collection)
8403 (City House)
8404 (Public Transportation Station)
7633 (Construction Site)
7942 (Fire 4x4 and Trailer)
3180 (Tank Truck)
7567 (Traveller)
7641 (City Corner)
7991 (Garbage Truck)
I think that's it! I have a lot of custom stuff too, and that's what really fills up the city.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tablescraps now on YouTube
I just posted a quick new film of all the things you haven't seen yet. Check it out!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
New Event Coming!
Hey guys- I'm going to have a weeklong animation event soon. Any guesses as to what it'll be?
Friday, November 12, 2010
New videos coming... eventually.
Well, it's been 2 weeks, and the builders are not done fixing my doors. That means I can not reasemble North Blockburg. That means no new animations. That means I am unhappy. I'll get new stuff out ASAP. In the mean time, you'll just have to watch Tremor, 24/7. Don't worry though. It's better than all of my stuff anyways.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tremor is OUT!!!
YES!!! FINALLY!!! Tremor is OUT and on Gearheadtheman's channel! Check it out, it's AWESOME!
Friday, November 5, 2010
TREMOR coming soon!
I've finished editing and Gearheadtheman has all the parts and movie clips! It should come out this weekend!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Rampage Update!
Hey guys! I have just begun scripting for the ending of Rampage! Sorry this took so long (6 months!) but it's going to be AWESOME
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Guys, I am really sorry that I am delaying Tremor. Marching band is in its last few weeks and is demanding as ever, and I am beginning to be assigned projects for my other classes. Did you watch School Project II? That was the project for English due Firday. I also had one for English on Wednesday and a third due Monday. I have had test and quizzes in all my classes and I am really sorry. Today, however, I have put aside 4 (!) hours to FINISH TREMOR! Thanks for your understanding.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
That's right- the long awaited Tremor. I am working on it as we speak! Fiming ended a while ago, and editing is in full swing.
Friday, October 29, 2010
North Blockburg Taken Down
Well, all good things come to an end. North Blockburg has been taken down and will remain that way for about 2 weeks until the doors in my room are replaced. I should still be posting videos during that time though, but probably no animations....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I am going to be so busy for the next few weeks. I'll try to do as much animating as I can, but, who knows what I'll be able to make...
Monday, October 25, 2010
1 Year of Videos
Hey guys - I just wanted to thank you all for a sweet year of YouTubeing! It was 1 year ago to this day when I posted ny Camper van review, and not even I would have guessed that I would be this far! over 80,000 upload views, pushing 250 subscribers! Thanks for everything!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
New School Project!
Remember my old school project video? I'm making a new one, this time based as a modern day interpretation of one of King Arthur's stories! Also, Tremor should be out soon!
EDIT: Fixed spelling
EDIT: Fixed spelling
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hey guys, I just want to tell you that I have started making money from this blog! YouTube should be next, and I can't wait to make partner!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tremor out soon!
Hey guys - sorry I haven't been around for a while! Anyways, Tremor will be out pretty soon, and well, yeah, It's going to be AWESOME! This is my first TRUE collaboration with Gearheadtheman, and the whole movie is an adrenaline filled rom through two cities! Sweet!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Agent 12 Finally Out!
Well, it's 2 days late (3 for most time zones), but it's finally out! Agent 12 is now on YouTube! My first long animation, first animation with special effects, first collab animation with Gearheadtheman for my channel, and the first time I released a trailer for something. That's a lot of firsts. Anyway, let's cut to the chase. Agent 12 is out. Watch it. Now.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Agent 12 Coming Out This Sunday (I Hope)
Well, here's the thing. I'M ALMOST DONE FILMING AGENT 12!!! I want to get it done ASAP, so my goal is to have it out by SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12th!!! I can't wait. It's going to be awesome. Over 1200 still pictures and 10 short video clips. Yep, definitely going to be awesome.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Agent 12 Filming has started!
Hey everyone! The filming for Agent 12 has started! This movie will be action packed with tons or cool parts! It's the sequel to Heist, and I get to be a super-spy! What could be better?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Agent 12
I have made a new scrpit for a LOOOONG movie! It's about a spy, codenamed Agent 12, and is the long-awaited sequel to Heist! This movie will now go at the end of my movies-to-make list, behind the ending to Rampage, Battle for Blockburg, and Tremor, but it might be done before some of those. You never know...
North Blockburg map!

Well, this is the new North Blockburg! There isn't much to explain, but I have rebuilt it completely. The train tracks in the middle are the tram line, and the ones around the outside are the main tracks. The rail yard off to the side is the Blockburg Cargo yard. Currently, where it says "house" on the map is where a construction site is, and will remain until I can afford the City House set. That's pretty much it... If you would like a video tour, just comment below, and I will probably make one if 3 people comment asking for one.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
New Set on the Way!
YES!!!! I have finally ordered LEGO City 8404 Public Transport for North Blockburg! It should come next week! I am super excited for this, because it means a massive overhaul and redesign for North Blockburg! I can't wait for it to come!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I'm finally out of summer school, so more animations and LEGO films are on their way! Hopefully I will also be able to get a review of LEGO City 8404 done when I get the set. I am really excited!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hey guys. I just saw Gearheadtheman's sweet new intro, and it got me wondering... Is the old UpsideUp intro getting old? Is it time for a replacement? Should I make a bunch of new intros for each type of video I do? (Reviews, Action Animations, Minifilms, One Day Wonders, etc.) I don't really know. If you care enough to leave a comment about it, I will definitely read it and probably take your advice about it. I could go either way.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
YEAH!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! The winning ending for rampage has been voted! Bruuowdizzy, great suggestion! Whoever didnt see it already it was:
"I think the criminal hijacks the plane, but the modded police car rams into it and crashes it into the airport, making a big explosion. Then there's a funeral for the chef, but the cop is put under arrest and fired for the explosion and lives lost."
It's going to be AWESOME!!!!! Filming will start soon!
Also, I have been reading up about my camcorder, and higher quality camcorder videos are on their way.
"I think the criminal hijacks the plane, but the modded police car rams into it and crashes it into the airport, making a big explosion. Then there's a funeral for the chef, but the cop is put under arrest and fired for the explosion and lives lost."
It's going to be AWESOME!!!!! Filming will start soon!
Also, I have been reading up about my camcorder, and higher quality camcorder videos are on their way.
Sorry I haven't been updating this in a while... My bad. Anyway, I am working on 3 projects right now, Battle for Blockburg with Burrowdizzystudios, Tremor with Gearheadtheman, and I am also making a commercial for Amtrak. Not a real one, but a LEGO one that maybe they'll use (that would be AWESOME!!!!!!!) I also have a spy action movie in planning stages, and I am entering a film festival to win an iPad plus $100 for more LEGO!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Secret Project
I've been working with this guy on a secret project. It should be out soon, as we are both in the process of filming. Bet you can't guess what it is.....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I was talking to Gearheadtheman the other day and he told me he uses a camcorder to record his stop-motion. I thought that was crazy, but it set me thinking. What if I tried using a camcorder? I have one that I barely ever use, and now I am trying it! The video will be up on YouTube soon. Tell me what you think!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Filming Done!
Hey! I've just finished filming for the beginning of the new Action Animation, Rampage: You Control the Action! This is a new concept for me where, the viewers of the video will decide how part 2 goes! Rampage should be out within the week.
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