

Frequetly Asked Questions

Can you subscribe to me on YouTube?
In short, probably not. I'm not one of those YouTubers that will subscribe to you just because you're my friend. If you want a subscription from me, I have to actaully LIKE your videos. That's what a subscription is for, right? Anyway, if you want me to sub you, ask me to see your vids and I'll consider it. Or, just comment on a lot of videos or my channel, and eventually I might subscribe. You never know. The best way would be to work hard and post some quality animations... I am a sucker for a good car chase...

How do you get to be a YouTube Partner?
Keep posting videos until YouTube sends you an email asking you to apply. Then fill out all the forms and wait. I waited almost 2 months from the email asking me to apply to the conformation. The best advice I can give is to just be patient.

What program do you use?
I have Adobe CS5 Production Premium. Out of it, I use After Effects CS5, and I am learning the rest. For editing I use Adobe Premiere Elements 7, until I can figure out Premiere Pro CS5.

Where do you get your sounds and music?
I get all the sound effects from, and my music comes from a bunch of different sources. Some I make on Garageband. Your best bet is to either Google "royalty-free music", or to find a Mac, and make it yourself. Also, almost always, the songs I use are in the credits, so just be patient and watch the credits instead of commenting.

Can I be your friendon YouTube?
Send me a request, and I will accept it. 100% of the time. Always. It might be a little bit after you send the request though.

Can I be your friend on Facebook?
Sorry, no. I don't know you...

How do you afford all this expensive LEGO?
I save up allowance, mostly. Sometimes I get gifts. I also get money from YouTube, and this Blog, and I play trombone in the streets with my friends sometimes. It's a pretty good gig. Soon though, I hope to have my own real job.

Do you like LEGO Star Wars?
I am not a fan of Star Wars. Sorry. I only get City/town LEGO, because that's what I like to animate with.

Can I buy (x) from you?
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Buy your own LEGO! This stuff won't be for sale! Ever!

Your sixteen. Why do you play with kids' toys?
In my opinion, LEGO is a toy for all ages. When you are a kid, you play with it one way, like building multicolored cars and buildings, and then destroying them. When you get older, you play with LEGO a different way. You can animate with it, like me, MOC with it using advanced techniques, or even make robots and things with Technic and MindStorms. When you are an adult, you can really do anything with LEGO. Sculpt, MOC, build, animate, make robots, whatever! LEGO really isn't a kid's toy, but something everyone can enjoy.

How did you get into LEGO?
Good question. When I was 11, I broke my skull. That's a long story and I won't tell it to you. Anyway, I was stuck at home for 2 weeks while it healed, and my first trip out was to the mall. When I was at the mall, I went to the toy store and bought the Ambulance set. I loved it and kept it near my bed. The next set I bought was the 7898 Cargo train. I had seen somebody's MOC online, and I wanted to make one, and at the time, the Cargo train was the only LEGO set to have those wheel arch thingys in red, so I saved up my money and bought it. Then I bought the 7897 passenger train, and then some extra track, and the train station, and then I bought the airport from a friend. Basically, the rest is history, and now, on the floor of my bedroom, I have a sprawling city with almost 150 minifigures.