
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Black Smart Car

After posting the Shipping Yard Showdown video, I got a LOT of people telling my they liked the black car. Should I make a how-to on building it?
EDIT: I made it anyway. It's fun having a bit of free time.

Minifilms: Shipping Yard Showdown

Well, yesterday, Michael and I each made a video with the theme "Backalleys". Here's mine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sorry about the silence

Hey everybody.... I am really sorry about not updating my blog for so long, or even posting a new video. I have been trying to get new videos out, but I just haven't had the motivation to do it. I am probably going to make a couple small shorts, and then I really want to dive into a big, involved project (which will almost definitely be the runaway train movie). By then, hopefully tests will be over and I can make the runaway train into a great film! In the meantime though, expect more small police chase films, and some street races as well. So again, sorry I haven't been posting much, but it's just bacause I don't have any real news.