
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fire Station Help

I still need help about where to put the fire station in North Blockburg... Ideally, it would be nearish to the airport and police station, but still inside the train tracks.
Possible options are:
1. Major redesign. I take everything apart and start again. I don't really want to do this, because it took a long time to make the current design, and I like it.
2. Put the fire station outside the tracks. This one is simpler, and it could lead the way to adding more buildings outside the confines of the rails, just in time for the new harbor line of sets.
3. Something else that I haven't thought of yet. Tell me in the comments below.

I really need some help and advice on this, and if you are reading this, please comment and tell me which I should do. Thanks!


  1. I think you should put it by the bus lane so the firetrucks would be able to use it exclusively when there is an emergency. I don't know what your city looks like exactly now, but if that doesn't work out putting it by the airport would be cool.
    Ps. When are you going to do a review? I'm dieing to see it!:)
    (I don't know if I spelt 'dieing' right. :P)

  2. Based on the current map, I would say put it left of the Police staion on railroad avenue on the other side of the level crossing.

  3. Burrowdizzy's idea isn't bad either, but you can try both and see which one look better.

  4. BSQUIKLEHAUSENFAN!!!June 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM

    I'd say near the airport because of plane crashes aand stuff but Burrowdizzy's and Andrej's idea were better!
