
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fire Station!

Great news, everybody! When I was at LEGOLand yesterday, I finally bought the Fire Station! Now the only question is, where do I put it? Should I try and completely redesign the City, or should I just put it outside of the railroad tracks?


  1. Hi, im a huge fan of you and gearheatheman, and I think you should the fire station near the city center. That way the fire trucks can get anywhere in blockburg easily. You can decide how it looks better though. :)
    (now I have to get that set!)

  2. Oh yeah, and can't wait for the review!

  3. Rearrange the city, but not majorly, I think Blockburg could use an upgrade! Also, I still think you adding Saliman Blvd. would be cool, but if you don't want to add that, it's okay. It's your city, after all!
