
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hooray! It's Christmas! That also means that I am on break! I'll be trying to animate as much as I can, but it's getting to be SAT season for me, because I am a High School Junior. Also, I updated to YouTube's new layout. I'm not a fan of the layout overall, but I decorated it the best that I could.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Shootout Video coming soon!

Michael (gearheadtheman) challenged me to make an action video without using cars, which can only mean a shootout. The set is made, and filming has begun, but animating people takes much longer than animating cars does, so I really have no idea when I will want it to be done.

P.S. This is NOT Shootout 3.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Police Chase 3 is out!

It turned out well. What do you think?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Animation is done!

Remember that new Police Chase animation I told you about? Well, my job is done now, and it has been sent off to my friend who is making it a really awesome custom soundtrack! It should be up ASAP!

Monday, September 26, 2011

New animation coming soon! (also, a new blog post)

Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting here for a while, but there hasn't been muh news. That's about to change because a new animation will be coming out soon! All I have to do is add sound effects, and then send it off to one of my friends who is making me a custom soundtrack for the video! I can't wait to finish it, because I haven't made any noew animations since Shipping Yard Showdown, and that was a really long time ago!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

School's Back in session!

I have been in school for a full week now, and things aren't looking too good for my movies. This is my Junior year, and I have opted to take a VERY heavy course load, including 3 college-level classes. This, plus the fact that I am in the Marching Band, is leaving me very little time to st down and animate, and the house construction doesn't make homework any faster either. Anyway, I really hope to have some more content here soon, and I am sorry for not posting much. I may crank out some reviews soon, really whenever I get a chance to sit down and film and edit some video.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

City Tour Up!

Even though half my house is blocked off and under construction, I still have a LEGO City! Check it out!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook Page

Did you know I have a Facebook page? "Like" Upside Up Productions!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


YEAH!!! FINALLY!!! I actually got a new video camera for animating with! It's full HD (which is great for me), and can take really high-res videos! I will probably still only upload in 720p, but the excess pixels will be used for camera movement in editing. I am also experimenting with 3D models in After Effects, and I will probably have a test video soonish. School DOES start soon for me though, and my house is going through MASSIVE renovations (again), so you may never know, ut I am really trying to get some more videos out ASAP.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I just tweaked my YouTube background. That is all.
Also - hopefully, a new animation coming soon.
Also also - hopefully, a new website coming soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Made it!

I am in India!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bad News

Sorry everyone, but I am afraid I have some bad news. I was really hoping to get the runaway train movie posted this week, before I leave for a one-month trip to India, but I just couldn't get it done. Perhaps worse though, is that my house is being remodeled, and my bedroom is being shrunk by almost 2 feet. Unfortunately, that means I may not have room for a LEGO City in here anymore, and there isn't anywhere in the house for it. This could perhaps be the end of North Blockburg. I don't know though. Even if I have to pick up my city forever, I will still make more animations and movies, (especially the runaway train), using sets instead of a city. This is also the worst case scenario. It may turn out that I have loads of extra room. Anyway, I am sorry about the train movie, but you should still expect it this fall. Seeya!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Best of BSquiklehausen

Small compilation for English class.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New YouTube Channel Design

Do you guys like it? It's something different.

Monday, June 13, 2011

4 More Days!

I only have 4 more days left of school, and then I get to stay home for 2 weeks with nothing to do but animate! Then, I leave for India for 1 month, where I won't have too much free time. I get back and go on another week's vacation, and then I come back and Band Camp starts, then school. So, I am hoping to get a lot done in these coming two weeks. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I got my prizes!

Today, I got the prizes from LeoKimVideo's Car Crash contest in the mail! I really like the sets that I got, and am very happy that I won. I would like to thank all of you guys for being so supportive over my year on YouTube and helping me get as far as I did. Anyway, a review of the set will probably be up soon, so stay tuned!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Well, the time has come for you guys to tell me what to do! Just tell me what to focus on in the comments below.
Shorts and Minifilms
Meduim Length Movies (3 to 5 minutes)
Long Movies (5 to 10 minutes)
All of the above

or something else.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Black Smart Car

After posting the Shipping Yard Showdown video, I got a LOT of people telling my they liked the black car. Should I make a how-to on building it?
EDIT: I made it anyway. It's fun having a bit of free time.

Minifilms: Shipping Yard Showdown

Well, yesterday, Michael and I each made a video with the theme "Backalleys". Here's mine.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sorry about the silence

Hey everybody.... I am really sorry about not updating my blog for so long, or even posting a new video. I have been trying to get new videos out, but I just haven't had the motivation to do it. I am probably going to make a couple small shorts, and then I really want to dive into a big, involved project (which will almost definitely be the runaway train movie). By then, hopefully tests will be over and I can make the runaway train into a great film! In the meantime though, expect more small police chase films, and some street races as well. So again, sorry I haven't been posting much, but it's just bacause I don't have any real news.

Monday, April 25, 2011

LeoKimVideo Contests

Filming has begun for entries into LeoKimVideo's LEGO animation contest! I am really happy with the way these animations are turing out, and I hope you guys will be too. For the car crash contest, it will be another police chase, like my last one, but with some special effects and more crashes and cool stuff! For the rocket one, I am going to use the space shuttle and a green screen. That's all I am going to tell you!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fire Station Help

I still need help about where to put the fire station in North Blockburg... Ideally, it would be nearish to the airport and police station, but still inside the train tracks.
Possible options are:
1. Major redesign. I take everything apart and start again. I don't really want to do this, because it took a long time to make the current design, and I like it.
2. Put the fire station outside the tracks. This one is simpler, and it could lead the way to adding more buildings outside the confines of the rails, just in time for the new harbor line of sets.
3. Something else that I haven't thought of yet. Tell me in the comments below.

I really need some help and advice on this, and if you are reading this, please comment and tell me which I should do. Thanks!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fire Station!

Great news, everybody! When I was at LEGOLand yesterday, I finally bought the Fire Station! Now the only question is, where do I put it? Should I try and completely redesign the City, or should I just put it outside of the railroad tracks?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Next week for me is Spring Break, and guess where I am going? LEGOLand! Yeah, seriously! I am actually going to LEGOLand California next Tuesday and maybe Wednesday too! If you live down there in Carlsbad, then you should try and go too! I'll be wearing my UpsideUp Productions Tshirt! See you there!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Maersk Train Time-Lapse Build Now Up on YouTube!

So, I built my second copy of the Maersk train on camera. My dad helped, and we got it done in 3 and a half hours, working together (that's 7 total man-hours of time!) Anyway, the video is up on YouTube, and you should check it out.

Friday, April 1, 2011



Thursday, March 31, 2011


YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! It comes tomorrow, and I can't wait! I have reserved them from my LEGO Store, and I will get them tomorrow, and have a review! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Intro Part II

Okay guys, I hear you. Today, I watched a couple more tutorials, and did some more experimenting, and made a really cool updated version of the old logo! It's on a black background this time, and has a really cool twist at the end. I don't know when you'll see it though, but it might be on the MAERSK TRAIN REVIEW!!! YEAH!! I get it in less than a week! I am so excited!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Intro

Since I have gotten my new computer, I have begun learning how to use Adobe After Effects. Yesterday, I learned how to make cool animated titles, and I threw one together for the Dump Truck review. Now, a lot of people are saying that they like the new intro. Should I keep it? It was really meant to be temporary. Tell me in the comments below.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Computer for Video!

I just got a new computer! It is SUPER FAST and it's going to let me make movies so much faster and all around better! Just in case you are a nerd like me, and you care, here are the system specs.

3.2 GHZ Intel Core i7 Quad Core w/ Hyper Threading and Turbo Boost
1 GB nVidia GTX 460 Graphics Card

This computer scores a 5.4 on the Windows Experience Index, due to the eco-friendly hard drive. Either way, this thing is really quick, and it will definitely run After Effects, which will allow me to make the coooooolest special effects in my movies!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Birthday stuff!

Well, my birthday is over. Here's what I got!
- ALL LEGO Power Functions needed to motorize the 10219 Maersk Train! (Which I am buying 2 of on April 1st, the day it comes out)
- 7631 Dump Truck! It's actually discontinued now, so I am happy to have gotten it!
- A mini tripod! I needed this. Badly.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2! Because not all of my time is spent animating.
- A trip to India! Yeah! Over the summer, I am going to India to make websites with my uncle!
- A BRAND NEW CUSTOM COMPUTER!!! I get to pick out the components, and we will have ordered them by next weekend. This computer will allow me to use the CS5 software I got for Christmas, and I know that After Effects will make all my movies much better!
- $50! I am NOT going to spend this on LEGO. Well, maybe...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Read the post below.

I've had this little idea that I have been playing around with for a while, and tonight, I am scripting it out and I'm going to make it soon! The Runaway train movie is postponed and will be rewritten for the Maersk Train, and this new one will be out before that. Anyway, that's all. Seeya.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Today's the Day!

Well, actually tomorrow is, but if you've read the last post, then you'll know why I'm so excited! Anyway, any time now, my dad will get home, and the festivities will begin! I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Art Deco Poster

I made this using a real picture and Photoshop.

What does it mean? You tell me.

1 Day Left!

What? One day? But it was 3 days yesterday!

Well, here's what happened. It turns out I am REALLY busy on Friday, so, I get my birthday a day early! Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

3 Days Until My Birthday!

I CAN'T WAIT!!! There are only 3 days left until the best day of the year! My birthday! That's right! I'll be turning 16 on Friday, the 11th, and I can't wait! My birthday wish list is as follows:
New computer for editing movies
SWEET Special Effects Clip packages
Power Functions for the Maersk Train
New Camcorder
Mini tripod for filming
Mini desk light for filming
and some video games

Some of this stuff I KNOW I'm getting (computer), and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Computer in the Shops

Well, I've got some potentially bad news. My trusty laptop has been with me for exactly three years, and that just happens to be how long the warranty was! During this warranty, there were free computer checkups and other things like that, and I have decided to capitalize on that for the very last time, so my computer is now being checked at Best Buy, which means no new videos today or tomorrow. I am posting this from my trusty (but slooooooowwww) Mac, which is what I usually use to make music, so I'll still be able to check comments and stuff. Don't worry.

EDIT: And we're back.

Monday, February 28, 2011

New Big Movies in the Way

I have 2 BIG scripts lined up for release, hopefully in the next couple of months! Until then, I should be posting some shorts kind of like the Police Chase, and maybe some reviews and other things like that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I haven't posted in a while...

I haven't posted in a while, and I thought I'd share my next purchase with you! It is going to be 2 copies of the 10219 Maersk Container Train, and the Power Functions to motorize it! It'll look something like that picture above, and I can't wait until April!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It begins!

Blockburg Express, the runaway train movie, has begun filming! With a 7 page script, it'll take a while to produce, but I am animating very carefully, and I am going to do my best to make this my BEST FILM EVER.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Great News!

Well, I checked my Adsense account today, and I have $80! That means that pretty soon, maybe in about a month, I will get a check for $100 from YouTube! Thanks for everything, guys, and expect more sweet stuff in the future!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Collectable Minifigures

Well, I'm hooked. A couple weeks ago, I bought 3 Series 2 Minifigures from a bookstore, and today, I went to Target and bought 5 more. I now have the Series 2 Disco Dude, the Karate Guy, and the Mexican Hombre, as well as the Series 3 Baseball Player, Race Car Driver, Fisherman, Gorilla Suit Guy, and the Pilot, who actually looks frighteningly like my Algebra teacher...

EDIT: Add the Series 2 Surfer to the list... I'm addicted to these things.

EDIT 2: Add the Series 3 Rapper. At least now, I have all that I really wanted. Time to start saving up for that Maersk Train!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

LEGO 10219 Maersk Container Train!

HOLY CRAP!!! LEGO has announced a new train! It is a modern American container train in the colors of the shipping line Maersk! It comes with the locomotive, two container flatcars, and a loading truck! From the looks of the one picture we have right now, it has Power Functions built in, and it has 3 minifigures. This set is really unique because it has loads of Maersk blue, an extremely rare color for LEGO, which has only come in a very small number of sets. This set also has three Maersk blue construction helmets. If you want just one helmet now, they sell for $175 EACH on Bricklink. Crazy stuff. Anyway, this train model looks based off of an EMD SD40-2, however, it only has two axles per truck, instead of the actual train's 3. The color/paint job looks spot on to the real prototype of this train, and the truck is an excellent truck for work at container terminals. I can't wait for this really awesome set, and depending on the price, I might actually get it!

EDIT: I removed the image because I noticed LEGO taking it off of other sites, and I don't want to be on their bad side!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Car Commercial!

Well, yesterday, I made a pretty cool modification to an official LEGO set, and now, I am going to begin filming a commercial for it! You're just going to have to wait to see what it is!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Shorts are on their way!

Hey guys, it's been a while, and I am happy to announce that more cool animations and short films are on their way! I have a car chase one filmed, and some cool other things on their way.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Battle for Blockburg Coming Soon!

Well, yesterday, I woke up and said "You know what? I've kept Burrowdizzy waiting for much too long! Let's make Battle for Blockburg!" And I did. Filming is done on my end, now on to editing. I am using all my free time for this, so hopefully it will be done soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Building the Bank and Money Transfer

Well, here's a cool time-lapse video that I took when I built the 3661 Bank and Money Transfer for the first time. It's embeded here, and click on the YouTube logo on the bottom corner of the video to go to the actual video page. Every 2 seconds is a minute.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2011, so Happy New Year to everybody, and I hope that you are looking forward to an entire year of new films and animations!